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O ChatBotKit apresenta as APIs Upvote e Downvote ao nosso conjunto de ferramentas

O ChatBotKit introduziu as APIs Upvote e Downvote em nosso conjunto de ferramentas. Esses novos recursos permitem que as empresas coletem e analisem as métricas de satisfação do usuário com mais eficiência. O feedback em tempo real sobre o desempenho do bot permite o ajuste fino das respostas e interações com base no feedback do usuário. A Integração de Widgets conecta perfeitamente os botões Upvote e Downvote aos sistemas de back-end, capturando os sentimentos dos usuários de forma precisa e instantânea. O ChatBotKit também está desenvolvendo um conjunto abrangente de recursos de análise e testes A/B para otimizar ainda mais as interações dos bots.

We are thrilled to announce a significant update to our range of APIs. The Bot, Conversation, and Message APIs now all include Upvote and Downvote functionalities. These new features will enable businesses to collect and analyze user satisfaction metrics more effectively.

Developers can access these new APIs directly or through our Node SDK, providing flexibility for diverse tech stacks. By integrating these features into your systems, you can receive real-time feedback on your bot's performance, enabling you to fine-tune responses and interactions based on user feedback.

In addition, the Widget Integration now connects directly to this new API, linking the Upvote and Downvote buttons to your back-end systems seamlessly. This ensures that you can capture user sentiments accurately and instantly, enhancing your ability to optimize your bot's effectiveness.

We believe these updates will greatly improve the ability for companies to understand their users' experience and satisfaction. User feedback is invaluable for the continuous improvement and refinement of AI interactions.

But we're not stopping here. Our team at ChatBotKit is already working on the next big thing – a comprehensive Analytics and A/B Testing feature-set. These new features will provide users with powerful tools to analyze bot performance and run experiments to optimize interactions.

Stay tuned for more updates and thank you for choosing ChatBotKit as your AI chatbot solution provider.