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Integração do ChatBotKit Widget Recurso de ferramentas de conteúdo

Saiba mais sobre o novo recurso "Tools" na atualização da integração do ChatBotKit Widget. Aprimore a experiência do seu chatbot com ferramentas essenciais, como cópia de mensagens e classificação. Atualize sua interação pessoal ou comercial com o chatbot hoje mesmo!

We are thrilled to announce that ChatBotKit Widget Integration has been updated with a new and exciting feature called "Tools"! This new capability renders a small toolbar inside each message produced by the chatbot, which will enhance your interaction and experience with your chatbot.

The "Tools" feature is designed to provide essential tools that will make your chatbot experience smoother and more efficient. With the new toolbar, you can now easily copy messages to your clipboard, rate messages up or down, and more.

We understand the importance of having easy access to essential features while engaging with our chatbot, and the "Tools" feature was created with this in mind. Whether you're using the chatbot for personal or business purposes, this new feature will help you get the most out of your experience.

Thank you for choosing ChatBotKit Widget Integration.