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Apresentando a nova personalização de espaço reservado para a integração de widgets do ChatBotKit

Apresentamos o novo recurso de texto de espaço reservado personalizável para a integração de widgets do ChatBotKit. Personalize o texto do espaço reservado no campo de entrada do chat para tornar seu chatbot mais intuitivo e fácil de usar. Oriente seus usuários com instruções ou dê um empurrãozinho amigável para aprimorar a experiência do usuário. Configure o texto do espaço reservado na configuração do widget ou passe-o como um parâmetro ao instanciar o SDK. Saiba mais na documentação do Widget.

We are delighted to announce an exciting new feature for our ChatBotKit Widget Integration: Customizable Placeholder Text for the chat input field!

This new feature provides an additional layer of customization, ensuring that your chatbot is perfectly tailored to your users' needs. You can now customize the placeholder text in the ChatBotKit chat input field, making your chatbot more intuitive and user-friendly.

Whether you want to guide your users with an instruction like "Type your question here..." or give a friendly nudge with something like "How can I assist you today?", the choice is now in your hands.

To use this feature, you can configure the placeholder text in the widget configuration or pass it as a parameter when instantiating the SDK. It's that simple!

Remember, a well-guided user is a happy user. Our new placeholder customization feature is another step towards making your chatbot more personal and engaging, enhancing the user experience even further.

Thank you for choosing ChatBotKit. We're excited to see how you'll use this new feature! More information how to use the placeholder field can be found in the Widget documentation page.