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Eventos e webhooks

O suporte a webhooks é um recurso poderoso oferecido pelo ChatBotKit, permitindo que os clientes se mantenham atualizados sobre os eventos que ocorrem na plataforma e tomem medidas imediatas com base nesses eventos. Saiba mais sobre como esse recurso pode personalizar sua experiência com o ChatBotKit e integrá-lo a outras ferramentas e serviços.

ChatBotKit offers support for webhooks, which allows customers to listen for events from ChatBotKit. This feature is incredibly useful for customers who are developing on top of the ChatBotKit platform.

What are webhooks?

Webhooks are automated messages sent from apps when something happens. They are typically triggered by specific events or actions and deliver information in real-time to other applications.

How does ChatBotKit's webhook feature help our customers?

ChatBotKit's webhook feature allows customers to stay up-to-date with events happening within the platform, such as when a user interacts with the bot. This is useful because it enables customers to take immediate action based on these events, such as sending a follow-up message to the user or updating a CRM system.

Why is this exciting?

The webhook feature opens up a world of possibilities for customers to customize their ChatBotKit experience and integrate it with other tools and services. With this feature, customers can create powerful workflows and automation, all while using the ChatBotKit platform as the central hub.

If you are looking to take your ChatBotKit experience to the next level, be sure to take advantage of the webhook feature.