Vercel Website

This dataset includes the entire content of the Vercel website, which is the primary online source for learning about Vercel and its products and services.

criado porPetko D. PetkovPetko D. Petkov

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  • record.text
    { "id": "cley352is0001nwxattw041t6", "text": "fdgfdgdgf" }
  • record.text
    { "id": "cleubn8p5000rlb08bd130qae-9df951dd49595f2fbe779b3a1c053d64", "text": "...ing to create the most performant site possible often measure their site's\nperformance using Google Core Web Vitals.\nIntroduced in 2021, Core Web Vitals are an array of metrics that tell Google how\nfast, stable, and performant your site is. Key metrics measured include LCP,\nCLS, and TTFB. A headless architecture allows organizations to build performant\ntech stacks featuring managed frontends that often have built-in analytics\ncapabilities. Using Vercel Analytics, developers can track key performance\nmetrics, pinpoint bottlenecks, and identify trends to prioritize what to improve\nand optimize for an ideal user experience.\n> \"Vercel's analytics platform helps us pinpoint performance bottlenecks, track\n> trends, and even see which specific routes and pages need work. With this, we\n> can quickly prioritize what to work on for the most impact.\"\n>\n> Principal Software Architect at Parachute\nCREATE CONTENT AT SCALE\nAs your organization begins to grow, content creation becomes more important.\nBlog authors, stylists, merchandisers, marketers, etc. will all have their own\ncontent they'll want to create and publish. Rather than having them rely on\ndevelopers to publish content or make frontend changes, empower them with\nself-service headless CMS solutions. Contentful, Storyblok, and Sanity are a few\nsolutions that, when paired with Vercel, ecommerce stores can count on.\nWhen it comes to the content that requires a developer's help to create, like\nnew landing pages, Vercel's Deployment Previews can make a major impact on\ncollaboration. Instead of sharing screenshots or dealing with a complex staging\nprocess, stakeholders can see a live preview of pages. You can even test changes\nwithin the browser and run automated tests for performance and reliability with\none click.\nTAKING THE NEXT..." }
  • record.text
    { "id": "cleubn8p5000rlb08bd130qae-fdcd7ac9161b5ce2bda6f6bc9cde97c3", "text": "Skip to content\n�� Back to Blog\nCommunity\nMonday, February 27th 2023\nYOUR GUIDE TO HEADLESS COMMERCE\nLearn how going headless enables digital experiences that convert.\nPosted by\nKiana Lewis\nCopywriter\nPeter Saulitis\nProduct Marketing Manager\nAdopting a headless, or composable, commerce architecture helps to ensure your\ndigital storefront is high-performing, scalable, and increasing in conversions\neach year. From Parachute to Under Armour, leading ecommerce brands are choosing\nto go headless to stay competitive.\nLet's get back to basics and explore what headless commerce is, how it compares\nto monolithic commerce, and what you should do once you've made the migration to\noutpace your competitors and reach your KPIs.\nAlready experienced with headless?\nLearn how to configure headless WordPress with your Next.js application.\nRead more\n1. What is a headless commerce architecture?\n2. Monolithic commerce vs. headless commerce\n3. What are the benefits of headless commerce?\n4. How to adopt headless commerce\n5. Headless commerce use cases\nWHAT IS A HEADLESS COMMERCE ARCHITECTURE?\nA headless commerce architecture is the decoupling of your backend and frontend\nas an ecommerce storefront. Rather than relying on a monolithic ecommerce\nplatform with a built-in frontend, headless commerce gives you the ability to\ncustom-build an application stack that best fits your needs.\nHOW DOES HEADLESS COMMERCE WORK?\nA headless commerce storefront relies on an API to work. The API connects the\nfrontend and backend—sending information between the two in real time. The\nbackend tool sends data like products, reviews, and pricing information to the\nstorefront's frontend that customers see. Meanwhile, the frontend shares\ncustom..." }

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