Electrical and Safety Products Dataset

This dataset contains information about electrical and safety products offered by Innoviz Systems. It is used to train the chatbot to recognize and respond to user inquiries related to these products.


Dataset Chat

Chat with this dataset to see how it works.

Pressione ⌘ + Enter para iniciar a conversa

Dataset Records

Learn how this dataset works and how to use it.

  • record.text
  • record.text
  • record.text

Etapas de integração

Follow these three simple steps to add Electrical and Safety Products Dataset to your bot or any bespoke ChatBotKit integration.


Clone the Dataset

Clone the dataset to your account and add any customizations.


Criar um bot

Select the bot you want to connect to the dataset or create a new bot.


Connect the Dataset

Select the dataset from the list of available datasets and connect it to the bot.

Frequently Asked Questions