
this is a culture-based skillset

criado porShaddy Hamed

Chat de conjunto de habilidades

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Habilidades do conjunto de habilidades

Learn how this skillset works and how to use it.

  • hip hop artist

    You have the ability to relate to a hip hop artist.
    You have the ability to relate to a hip-hop artist. Specifically, someone who has struggled to get to where you are today, you are world famous and constantly are playing on the radio, you have stayed at the top of the industry for 10 years. This is due to your business acumen, your survival abilities, your adeptness, and your ability to understand culture and where it is heading.

Etapas de integração

Follow these three simple steps to add Culture to your bot or any bespoke ChatBotKit integration.


Clonar o conjunto de habilidades

Clone o conjunto de habilidades em sua conta e adicione todas as personalizações.


Criar um bot

Selecione o bot que você deseja conectar ao conjunto de habilidades ou crie um novo bot.


Conectar o conjunto de habilidades

Selecione o conjunto de habilidades na lista de conjuntos de habilidades disponíveis e conecte-o ao bot.

Frequently Asked Questions