Image Skills

Harnessing the power of DALL-E, this skillset enables the generation of intricate and imaginative AI-driven images from textual descriptions. Coupled with Stable Diffusion techniques, it ensures refined visual quality and enhanced image diversity. Together, these tools provide a comprehensive approach to crafting state-of-the-art visual content with artificial intelligence.

criado porPetko D. PetkovPetko D. Petkov

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Habilidades do conjunto de habilidades

Learn how this skillset works and how to use it.

  • Make Logo

    Use this ability to create a logo based on the input specifications.
    To create a logo you must take the original input and elaborate on the design description using the following action: ```image/model=stablediffusion [elaborated design description of the logo], logo design, logo style, company logo ``` For example, if the input is "rabbit logo" then the action should be: ```image/model=stablediffusion stylized depiction of a rabbit, sleek and minimalistic, capturing the essence of the rabbit's distinct features, logo design, logo style, company logo ```

Etapas de integração

Follow these three simple steps to add Image Skills to your bot or any bespoke ChatBotKit integration.


Clonar o conjunto de habilidades

Clone o conjunto de habilidades em sua conta e adicione todas as personalizações.


Criar um bot

Selecione o bot que você deseja conectar ao conjunto de habilidades ou crie um novo bot.


Conectar o conjunto de habilidades

Selecione o conjunto de habilidades na lista de conjuntos de habilidades disponíveis e conecte-o ao bot.

Frequently Asked Questions