
Check if the question has words in it which are also in a document.

criado porPeter Wagenaar

Chat de conjunto de habilidades

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Habilidades do conjunto de habilidades

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  • Woordenscgat

    In order to fetch a document to check, you must use the following action. ```fetch GET https://api.example.com/documents/{document_id} HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Bearer {your_access_token} ``` Make sure to replace `{document_id}` with the ID of the document you want to fetch.
  • Check

    To check the text you need to perform the following request: ```fetch GET https://reflect.site/g/studiobierkade/woordenschat/f0faf9aff26b4951afc0278475721583}?format=4 HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: curl/7.61.1 ``` Check if the words are on the page: ```fetch GET https://wttr.in/London?format=4 HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: curl/7.61.1 ``` Multiple locations can be requested like this: ```fetch GET https://wttr.in/{London,Paris}?format=4 HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: curl/7.61.1 ``` The response is a text document with weather information.
  • Che

    To get the text you need to perform the following request: ```fetch GET https://www.evernote.com/shard/s53/sh/18ca9d5b-c8e0-dbd4-15e3-3550b3a4842e/EwREGQ7rVsCOkgtZp9018Qbw9_F45Aox-V-KT7Mn5AzMPnY7Ek_xcmM5yA?format=4 HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: curl/7.61.1 ``` The {location} parameter could be any city. For example: ```fetch GET https://wttr.in/London?format=4 HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: curl/7.61.1 ``` Multiple locations can be requested like this: ```fetch GET https://wttr.in/{London,Paris}?format=4 HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: curl/7.61.1 ``` The response is a text document with weather information.

Etapas de integração

Follow these three simple steps to add Woordcheck to your bot or any bespoke ChatBotKit integration.


Clonar o conjunto de habilidades

Clone o conjunto de habilidades em sua conta e adicione todas as personalizações.


Criar um bot

Selecione o bot que você deseja conectar ao conjunto de habilidades ou crie um novo bot.


Conectar o conjunto de habilidades

Selecione o conjunto de habilidades na lista de conjuntos de habilidades disponíveis e conecte-o ao bot.

Frequently Asked Questions