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How to enhance your AI Bot Capabilities by Linking ChatBotKit with Zapier

This tutorial guides you through creating an internal AI Slack bot to automate social media posting, ensuring consistency and moderation in your updates.

In this tutorial, we'll explore how to connect ChatBotKit to Zapier, enabling your bots to run Zaps based on customer requests. We'll focus on a practical example: creating an internal AI Slack bot that allows team members to push consistent, moderated updates to social media channels.

Understanding the Setup

Before diving into the details, let's grasp the basic structure:

  1. AI Bot: Your dedicated bot with your preferred model.
  2. Skillset: Composed of multiple abilities.
  3. Abilities: Used to communicate with various Zaps.
  4. Zaps: Zapier workflows triggered by webhooks.

Here's a simple diagram illustrating the setup:

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Create a Zapier Zap

We start with Zapier because it provides us with a webhook URL. This URL is crucial as it's the endpoint where ChatBotKit will send data. Think of it as creating a mailbox before setting up mail delivery.

  1. Log into Zapier and create a new Zap.

  2. Select "Webhooks by Zapier" as the trigger.

  3. Choose "Catch Hook" as the event and click "Continue".

  4. Note down the webhook URL provided.

Zapier requires a test event in the correct format. While you could use any HTTP tool for this, we'll utilize ChatBotKit to generate the event. Let's start by creating a skillset in ChatBotKit that will help us with this process.

2. Set Up ChatBotKit Skillset

The skillset is like a toolbox for your bot. Let’s make one.

  1. In ChatBotKit, create a new skillset called "Zapier Tools".

  2. Create a new Ability:

    • Name: "Create Social Media Post"

    • Description: "This ability creates a social media post"

    • Use the "Trigger Zapier Webhook" template

    • Configure the webhook URL and add a "text" field

3. Test the Webhook

Testing is crucial at this stage. It ensures that ChatBotKit can successfully send data to Zapier and helps us catch any configuration issues early. This test also provides Zapier with sample data to use in the next steps.

  1. Use the ChatBotKit Tester to generate a test event:

    text: Hello from ChatBotKit
  2. Execute the test.

The test executed successfully!

You should be able to see the test event in your Zap by pressing the “Test trigger” button.

And the new event / record should contain the text we sent a few moments ago.

4. Configure Zapier Action

This step is where the magic happens. We're telling Zapier what to do with the data it receives from ChatBotKit. By connecting to Buffer, we're automating the process of posting to social media. The "Add to Queue" action allows for moderation if needed.

  1. Add Buffer as an action in your Zap.

  2. Select "Add to Queue" as the event.

  3. Configure the Organization, Channel, and Text fields.

  4. Set Media field to "No Attachments" and click “Continue”.

  5. Test the step (optional) and publish the Zap.

5. Create and Configure a ChatBotKit Bot

Now we're bringing it all together. By creating a bot and assigning our skillset, we're essentially creating an AI-powered social media assistant. Testing at this stage helps ensure that the bot can successfully use the ability we created.

  1. Create a new bot in ChatBotKit.

  2. Assign the "Zapier Tools" skillset to the bot.

  3. Test the bot in the configuration screen.

Note how the bot successfully created a social media post based on our instructions!

6. Connect the Bot to Slack

Connecting to Slack is the final piece of the puzzle. It provides an intuitive interface for team members to interact with the bot. Slack's familiarity reduces the learning curve and encourages adoption of this new tool.

We have a separate guide for that here.

Enhancing the Solution

To improve this setup, consider the following enhancements:

  1. Tailored Content Generation: Create a new "Generate Post" ability that uses AI to craft engaging social media content.
  2. Image Generation: Implement an "image" action to create AI-generated images for your posts.
  3. Extended Event Data: Modify the event structure to include additional fields like image URLs or post scheduling information.

These enhancements can significantly boost the power and flexibility of your setup. By leveraging AI for content and image generation, you're not just automating the posting process, but also the creation of engaging content. This can save time and ensure consistency across your social media presence.

Troubleshooting and Support

Don't be discouraged if you face challenges. This integration involves multiple systems, and it's normal to need some help. Our support channels are there to ensure you succeed in implementing this powerful automation tool.